The Secrets of Prophecy
Knowing the Secrets of Bible Prophecy will unlock hope, meaning and purpose for your life.
Who Will Control the World?
Witness the rise and fall of empires, up to 500 years in advance! Observe the transition of domination from the Ancient Near East to Western Europe. Discover why both modern and historical attempts to unite the nations of Europe have failed. Gain hope from understanding the next big event to watch for.
Signs of the Times
Does it seem like we are building to something, but you just can't put your finger on it? Are you worried about what the future holds? Signs of the Times provides hope and peace for these challenging times.
How Will the World End?
Asteroids? Zombies? Nuclear War? Many predict these as end of world scenarios, but is there any truth to them? Together we explore what the Bible really says about how the world will end, it might be a surprise that through knowing, your personal peace could increase.
The War Zone
Do you feel sometimes that you're caught in the middle of a war, with pressures, uncertainties, doubts? The War Zone explores the origins of why you might feel that way, but importantly provides a solution that you can act upon.
Does God Care?
If God is loving, why is there so much pain and suffering? This and other important questions will be explored and answered,
Steps to Spiritual Freedom
What would true freedom look like for you? For many, it would mean breaking addictions, feelings of self-doubt, low-self esteem and despair, discouragement, even abuse. There is good news, join us to discover it for yourself?
The Mystery Man of Prophecy
Bible prophecy has been abused by trying to make it apply to many and varied lands, circumstances, and people. Discovering who the mystery man of prophecy, the central figure on which it hangs will guide you to peace, wholeness and hope.
Rebuilding the Temple
Are acts of terror justified for so called, holy purposes? What was/is the point of the Temple, it's ceremonies and symbols? Is it relevant for me today? Would rebuilding the temple help me live a better life?
Inside the Lost Ark
For centuries many have searched for this ancient artifact that could dry up rivers, bring victory in battle and cause calamities - even death. Many have wondered as to the secret of its power and why it has been protected and ultimately lost for so long.
Rest for the Soul
Too many burdens? Needing to recharge? Discover God's inbuilt design to maximise our lives.
Symbol of the Sun
From the Ancients through to the present, many sincere people are worshipping the sun, but it provides little difference. Discover the key to unlocking authentic worship and hope in Jesus.
Who is the AntiChrist? Pt 1
The journey begins by letting the Bible speak as to who and what is the identifying features of the AntiChrist.
Who is the AntiChrist? Pt 2
The journey continues with drilling down into how history has confirmed the identifying features of the AntiChrist as revealed in the Bible. You might be surprised in what we find!
The Final Superpower
Many theories have been proposed for various world Superpowers, among the most recent have been Russia, the USA, China and even Islam. Discover the prophetic keys to unlock the Biblical identity of the final Superpower.
The Mark of the Beast
Many are seeking esoteric answers or to unravel secret agendas behind government use of technology. Why? Because of the threat of not being able to buy or sell - ANYTHING. Be amazed at how and when the Bible predicts that this mark will be fully realised and also how to avoid it!
Life after Death
Together we explore searching questions for the meaning of life as we wrestle with the reality of our finiteness. Is there life after death? If so, what is it like? And more.
Where on Earth is Hell?
Think about the heroes and villains that you've watched, read about or indeed history has documented. Today as we explore the Bible, we uncover the ugly reality of how some people see a cruel tyrannical God rather than a God of love. Understanding the truth about hell, promotes peace and security. We wish you that same peace today.
1000 Years of Peace
There have been so many attempts at lasting peace, is it a pipe dream or reality? Join us as we discover not only the certainty of true and lasting peace, but also the events that signal when it will start!
Buried Under Water
Being buried under water may not sound pleasant, but it is a symbol of an inner transformation that has a visible action associated with it. Join in uncovering what the inner transformation is.
The Judgment
Many people think that judgment is always negative, but a reward is equally a judgment as is punishment, the difference is in the nature of the decision, not in the process itself. Today we explore the good news in God's judgment.
Why So Many Churches?
If all the Christian churches follow the same Bible and the same God, why are there so many different ones? Today we explore the history of the church, complete with its apostasy and reformation. Most importantly, we unlock the Bible's clues for finding God's true end time church.
Living Life to the Full
Jesus said I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly! The good news is that you don't have to wait until heaven, the Bible reveals God's plan on who we can thrive presently while still looking forward to eternity.
The Secret to Success
Discover the surefire strategy that streamlines the important elements and decisions for Jesus that we've already unpacked so that they can be used readily on a daily basis, to ensure you stay on track for an eternity with Jesus.